Behavioral Health Policy Manuals

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Frequently Asked Questions

• Can I edit my new manuals?

Yes, you will receive your manual files by email in Microsoft© Word© docx format.

• How do I personalize the procedure sections?

You may have to modify or add agency-specific procedures.

Procedures are action oriented. They outline steps to take and the order in which they need to be taken. They're often instructional, and they may be used in training and orientation. Well-written procedures are typically solid, precise, factual, short, and to the point.

In many cases, you will have a list of requirements that must be done, followed, or included. In order to make your manuals useful, you need to add:

Who is to perform and what are the task(s) needed to ensure the requirements are met. This will often be the responsibility of the administrator.

Are there time frames associated with completing the tasks? If so, include them.

If task completion needs to be documented, who does it, how often, how are the results shared, and where are the reports filed.

Keep your revision language simple. You might want to ask someone else to read your text to make sure the text is accurate and understandable.

• Can I use my existing procedures?

If your procedures meet the requirements of your policy statements, yes. This may be a good time to review your existing procedures to see that they meet your policies and your current practices.

• How do I make sure my manuals stay up to date?

We will email you as soon as we receive the latest information on any WAC changes. We usually wait until the code has been published by the Office of Code Reviser.

• How do I organize the files I received?

See the file <How Your Files Go Together.pdf > that came with your policy files.

• Should I write an Organizational or Program Description?

Yes. You are required to have an organizational description by WAC 246-341-0420 (3). Many of the procedures in your manuals, especially the clinical portions, could benefit by using an Orgaizational or Program Description. See the file <Organizational Description Example.docx> that came with your policy files.

• What is your refund policy?

We do not issue refunds for completed work. We will make sure that your policies are present and correct, based on your order and the current applicable WAC. As stated in our Purchase Agreement, "Lanstat LLC will promptly correct any discrepancies found by appropriate state review during their next review following publication of the manual and forms using the same revision of the law or administrative code in force when the manuals were produced."